Student Testimonials, • 3/20/24 Sterling Heights Hackathon | Student Testimonals Previous Sterling Heights Hackathon | "What have you learned about DoD Careers?" Next Amin Ebady | Student Testimonial You Might Also Like Virtual Panel | "Exploring Oppurtunites within the Department of Defense" Who We Are Tech Talk Series - Dennis Bartow | "Strategic Competitiveness in Technology" Tech Talk Series - Adam Hunt | "Reinforcement Learning of Cyber Deception" Tech Talk Series - NSWCPD + NIWC Pac Engineers | "Introduction to Shipboard Networks, Control Systems, and Cybersecurity"
Student Testimonials, • 3/20/24 Sterling Heights Hackathon | Student Testimonals Previous Sterling Heights Hackathon | "What have you learned about DoD Careers?" Next Amin Ebady | Student Testimonial You Might Also Like Virtual Panel | "Exploring Oppurtunites within the Department of Defense" Who We Are Tech Talk Series - Dennis Bartow | "Strategic Competitiveness in Technology" Tech Talk Series - Adam Hunt | "Reinforcement Learning of Cyber Deception" Tech Talk Series - NSWCPD + NIWC Pac Engineers | "Introduction to Shipboard Networks, Control Systems, and Cybersecurity"