upcoming events

Tech Talk with Dr. Stephen Mastro
We are excited to welcome Dr. Stephen Mastro, the Deputy Chief Technology Officer of NSWC Philadelphia, for an engaging tech talk on Systems Engineering and Project Management. With his extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Mastro will provide invaluable insights into the complexities of systems engineering, highlighting best practices and innovative approaches in project management. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from a leading expert in the field and gain practical knowledge to enhance your engineering projects. Don't miss out on this chance to hear from Dr. Mastro and elevate your understanding of these critical domains.
Stephen Mastro, Ph.D is a senior engineer and the Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division, Philadelphia, PA (U.S. Navy). His work focuses on systems engineering, power and energy, mechanical systems, sensors, and materials. He joined NSWC in 1987, working as an in service engineer in the areas of ship silencing and vibration analysis. Further duties and experience included test and evaluation and in-service engineering for shipboard instrumentation and sensors, and later joined the Machinery R&D Directorate, focusing on systems engineering and the development, evaluation, and testing of advanced sensors, materials and control technologies. Now Deputy Chief Technology Officer he advises, consults and helps execute an internal R&D program valued at $20M in the areas of power and energy, mechanics, fluid thermal science, cybersecurity, systems engineering, and other technical areas. He is the author and co-author of 30 papers and seven U.S. patents. He is an active member of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and holds adjunct teaching appointments at Villanova University, Drexel University, and Temple University. He also is a board member of the Industrial Advisory Boards of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Villanova University and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Temple University.

Tech Talk with Mark Kortepeter
Mark Kortepeter joins us in our Tech Talk series to talk about Crises Inside The Hot Zone And Tales From A Career In Biodefense
Mark G. Kortepeter, MD, MPH [Colonel, Medical Corps, U.S. Army (retired)], is a physician, scientist, soldier, and author. Dr. Kortepeter’s career has spanned the hospital, research lab, the lecture hall, the battlefield, and the corner office. He is the Vice President for Research at the Uniformed Services University (USU) and Professor of Preventive Medicine and Medicine. Prior to that, he was a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Director of the Special Pathogens Research Network.
During a 27-year Army career, Dr. Kortepeter held numerous senior positions in biodefense and research, including Deputy Commander of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program at USU, Biodefense Consultant for the Army Surgeon General, and co-chair of NATO’s Biomedical Advisory Panel. He has worked with multiple organizations, including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the CDC, and the National
Academy of Medicine. He received numerous military awards, including the Legion of Merit and he is a member of the Order of Military Medical Merit.
Dr. Kortepeter enjoys opportunities to work in field environments. In 2018/2019, he served as the lead for Infection Prevention and Control against Ebola virus for the World Health Organization in Burundi, and in 2020 he worked as a consultant to the Pan American Health Organization helping hospitals prepare for COVID-19 in the Caribbean. Dr. Kortepeter received a BA from Harvard University, an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health, and his MD from Rutgers Newark. He is board certified in Preventive Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He has published over 90 journal articles and book chapters, and a medical thriller memoir of his experiencing managing infectious disease/biodefense crises while at USAMRIID titled “Inside the Hot Zone: a Soldier on the Front Lines of Biological Warfare.” Dr. Kortepeter is also a medical contributor to Forbes.com on stories related to infectious diseases, biodefense, and pandemic preparedness.

Tech Talk w/ NSWCPD & NIWC Pacific Engineers
Our partnerships mean everything to us at AI Futures and we're excited to host Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific and Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division for a virtual tech talk next Friday!
We will be hosting a virtual tech talk featuring various engineers from both Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific and Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division to talk about Shipboard Networks, Control Systems, and Cybersecurity in the Navy!

OSU eSports Arena Showcase w/ Army Devcom GVSC
Come join us at The Ohio State University - Esports Arena for an exciting event featuring the collaboration between OSU's eSports community and ARMY Devcom GVSC. Witness top-tier gaming skills, innovative technology, and a vibrant community coming together to celebrate the world of eSports. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just looking to have some fun, this showcase promises an unforgettable experience. Don't miss out!

Tech Talk with Dr. William Kiser
Please join us on Tuesday, December 19th at 12PM EST for our next Tech Talk Speaker Series featuring Dr. William Kiser!
Dr. William Kiser has over 30 years of experience in technical innovation, product development, and executive leadership, and currently serves as Executive Vice President of Science and Technology at Applied Research Institute (ARI). Prior to joining ARI, Dr. Kiser was the Director of Research Partnerships for Carnegie Mellon University's where he helped standup their 3D-bioprinted organ moonshot. Prior to that, he served as the Director of Penn State's Electro Optic Center (EOC), where he led multiple large-scale research programs in mm wave imaging, IR imaging, machine vision, UAV payloads, and directed energy weapons. The EOC was part of Penn State's University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) and was also the Navy Man-Tech Center for Electro-Optics. Dr. Kiser is the co-inventor of photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT), a medical imaging modality utilized in mammography and molecular imaging, and the recipient of multiple awards including the Michael B. Merickel award from SPIE and Purdue University's Wayne V. Kessler award. He holds a PhD. in Medical Physics from Purdue University.

NSWCPD Virtual Engineering Panel
AI Futures is partnering with Naval Surface Warfare Center Philidelphia Division to host a virtual panel featuring various engineers from NSWCPD!
We are excited to host a NSWCPD Virtual Engineering Career Panel! Join us for a dynamic discussion featuring experts in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, aerospace engineering, and more.

Tech Talk with Mark Jenne
Mark Jenne joins us again in our Tech Talk series to talk about the Deployment of AI Solutions: A Case Study of Using Large Language Models in Enterprise Grade Software
Mark is a Computer Scientist and AI/ML Engineer at Mantel Technologies with over half a decade of experience working directly as a federal civilian scientist and as a technical sub-contractor for DoD sponsored artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) research initiatives. His interests span the gamut from theoretical problem solving to building robust software products

Tech Talk with Greg Leingang
Greg Leingang joins us in our Tech Talk series to talk about his career journey from Internship to a Senior Leader within the Air Force!
Greg Leingang is the Director of Personnel at theAir Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. He serves as the focal point for all Human Resource (HR) management throughout the Center and is responsible for coordinated manpower and personnel strategic planning, HR management process improvement and reengineering, and management of the Resource Management Information System for automating HR management processes and data analytics. Mr. Leingang provides HR management expertise for approximately 26,000 airman, civilian and contractor employees.

HackAI 2024
Join us at HackAI 2024 taking place at Ohio State University!
HackAI is a 2-day hackathon where students can choose from challenges or tackle their own projects with the help of artificial intelligence. Mentors will be provided throughout the day, and judging will occur on the second day to determine the best AI projects of HackAI 2024. Tutorials, datasets, and meals will be provided.

Tech Talk with Jessica Gilliam
Jessica Gilliam joins us in our Tech Talk series to talk about The Biomechanics of Motion!
Jessica Gilliam is a Colorado native who works on human and canine physiological monitoring, augmentation and sensor integration for Mantel Technologies. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Dayton in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Human Movement and Biomechanics. Jessica went on to earn her Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University. At OSU she defended her thesis studies on the biomechanics of the softball pitch.

Spartahack 9
AI Futures is one of the premier sponsors at Spartahack 9!
At the end of this month we are excited to Sponsor SpartaHack 9, which is Michigan State University's 9th annual hackathon tailored for those who seek challenge and growth at all skill levels! This 24-hour programming marathon and competition held at Michigan State University welcomes any student in any field or level to compete for tons of awesome prizes! Don't worry, there will be tons of meals, snacks, nap spaces, and swag! Be sure to click the link below to register, we hope to see you there!

Tech Talk with John Orlando
Please join us on Thursday, January 25th at 12PM EST for our next Tech Talk Speaker Series featuring John Orlando!
John Orlando is the CEO and co-founder at Epiq Solutions, a product company focused on developing software defined radio (SDR) solutions to support a range of critical defense and security applications. John started his professional career as an electrical engineer at Motorola in 1998 developing custom wireless solutions in their Applied Technology department. He then co-founded Epiq in 2009, and has been responsible for shaping the business, product portfolio, and company culture since the start. John received his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and his Masters of Science in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Tech Talk with Adam Hunt
Join us January 12th at 12:00pm in our Tech Talk series with our guest Adam Hunt!
Adam Hunt is a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University conducting research at the nexus of Information Operations and Machine Learning. He completed his undergraduate studies at Utah Tech University, pursuing dual courses of study in Computer Science and Criminal Justice. His previous research has focused on the domains of Social Cybersecurity, where he collaborated with Carnegie Mellon's Center for Informed Democracy & Social-cybersecurity (IDeaS) lab, and Quantum Computing & Cryptography, working with Utah Tech's Mathematics Department. In his free time, Adam enjoys learning languages, playing the piano, and collecting Offensive Security certifications.

Raspberry Pico Pi Workshop With Joshua Knapp
Join us October 19th for a live workshop showcasing a Raspberry Pico Pi project hosted by our own Joshua Knapp in our Discord!
You will be provided with a parts list and be able to follow Joshua along as he showcases how to build his unique project with the ability to also ask questions and expand your knowledge on the Pico platform.

Raspberry Pico Pi Challenge
Are you ready to unleash your creative genius using the power of Raspberry™ Pi Pico?
Welcome to our 2nd Raspberry™ Pico Pi Challenge, where we invite makers of all kinds to explore the endless possibilities of this tiny yet mighty microcontroller. Enter this challenge for a chance to win various prizes such as Discord Nitro subscriptions and Amazon Gift Cards up to $225.

Tech Talk With David Breede
We invite you to join us for a virtual chat with AI Futures, featuring David Breede!
Mr. David M. Breede is the Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Tactical Information Systems (TIS) at the HQ US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill AFB, FL. He is responsible for synchronizing the development, testing, acquisition, and fielding of SOF-Peculiar systems for technical collection, intelligence support, tactical communications, and sensitive site exploitation. Mr. Breede directs a cross functional team of professionals to execute a portfolio of military information systems acquisition and rapid capability insertion research and development program.
Mr. Breede is a career acquisition and engineering professional and a graduate of the National Defense University’s (NDU) Eisenhower School and Defense Acquisition University’s Program Manager’s Course. Mr. Breede has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Virginia Tech, a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University, and a Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy from NDU

Past Events